
Custom Integrated Solution
Integrated Medical Education and Communication Solutions

MediLearn India provides fully customized communication strategies and education programs for healthcare professionals and patients across all stages of product lifecycles.

Leveraging on the company's strong brands, excellent network of faculty members and experienced content development teams, MediLearn India is in an excellent position to design, create and implement engaging education programs and communication strategies.

We offer a unique partnership that builds prestige and brings value in all healthcare communication solutions.

Known and trusted around the world for medical credibility, scientific excellence, Medical and pharmaceutical marketing expertise, Strong international and regional network , Extensive key opinion leader relationships

Our marketing communication services include enduring materials in print, electronic and online products, as well as live events, directed to healthcare professionals and consumers.

MediLearn India has unprecedented skills in developing comprehensive educational and market-shaping communications strategies for the full spectrum of marketing needs.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Management and Development
Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Medical professionals labor on the edge of an ever-changing landscape. Advancements in technology, miracle medicines, and breakthrough scientific discoveries not only provide medical professionals with new tools that can be used to better treat patients, but also challenge long-standing practices and require understanding for implementation. Practitioners need opportunities to learn about the latest medical developments and conceptualize how best to incorporate them.

Opportunities for learning not only improve a practitioner's ability to care for patients, but for many medical professionals, Continuing Medical Education is a requirement for re-licensure. To be accepted by licensure boards, CME programs must meet various standards and requirements. For attendees, the programs also need to be enlightening, interesting, and enriching.

MediLearn understands the necessity of Continuing Medical Education and the conditions required to create a successful CME program. We have an extensive experience in communicating clear and accurate medical information for educational purposes. We can create precise intellectual materials, engage expert speakers and design a program that will be instructive, authoritative, and creditable.

MediLearn also understands the complexities involved with organizing and managing comprehensive medical seminars. From start to finish, we have executed Continuing Medical Education programs, symposiums and meetings for clients in both domestic and international settings and we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to produce events that are effectual, proficient and seamless.

Register with us today and let us help you develop a Continuing Medical Education program that will meet your objectives and exceed all expectations.

International Meeting Planning
International Meeting Planning

The world is transforming into a global village. The Internet, computers, and other advanced digital technologies have made communication and cooperation across oceans and borders not only possible, but desirable. Medical experts from many traditions and cultures are interested in coming together to share ideas. Pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing abroad in order to maximize product quality while keeping costs down. Practitioners are eager to learn about the latest medical breakthroughs to better treat their patients. Communication is the key to achieving objectives such as these.

The core obstacle to accurate communications is understanding, particularly for industries where new, specialized technologies need to be communicated and interpreted accurately. Medical communications present unique challenges. Every detail must be interpreted completely and precisely. Simple text translation is not enough. In order to effectively communicate, professionals must be able to present information in ways that are agreeable to the targeted audience. Understanding the culture, the subtleties of the language, the rules of conversation and discourse - every element must be considered for communications to be successful.

MediLearn is committed to accurate and successful cross-cultural medical communications. Our team of specialists has planned and executed international meetings and educational forums for medical professionals around the globe. Our experience makes us experts in the dance of communicating critical medical information across cultures.

Navigating legal policies, securing travel arrangements, managing currency issues, scheduling conference calls across multiple time zones and interacting with people from varying educational and cultural backgrounds are just some of the details involved with successful international meeting planning and medical communications. MediLearn has the experience, finesse and proficiency required to address every cross-cultural barrier, to execute creditable, comprehensive medical educational programs and to achieve accurate, successful international medical communications.

Register today and let us help navigate the challenges of international meeting planning and overcome the barriers of cross-cultural medical communications.

Strategic Communications Planning and Medical Editorial
Strategic Communications Planning and Medical Editorial Development

Strategic communications planning and medical editorial development are fundamental elements of successful Continuing Medical Education programs. When creating a CME program, these key factors must be considered:

Primary educational objectives for creating the program

Main topic of the program and how widespread is the knowledge of that topic/s in the medical community

Target audience for this program

Strategic Communications Planning and Medical Editorial Development

Strategic communications must be planned and medical editorial foundations must be laid before a CME program can be successfully executed. By developing a long-term strategic communications plan, the primary education objectives can be outlined and the main purpose of creating a CME program can be defined.

For a CME program to be successful there must be people who are interested in attending. Once the main purpose of the CME program is defined and a target audience identified, it is important to expose the audience to evidence-based research and the latest scientific data on the topic through published peer-reviewed studies. Articles in credible medical journals add weight and validity to the importance of the topic, and build reputation of expertise for the author. Potential attendees are more likely to be interested in a CME program if the topic is of importance to the medical community at large, and if the name of an expert on the subject can be associated with that program.

The Medical Editorial staff of MediLearn has extensive experience successfully navigating the publishing industry and we have used that knowledge to collaborate with the medical community in developing long-term strategic communications plans that further the mission of Continuing Medical Education. We closely watch trends and identify publications that have the demographics, reputation, and distribution that will most accurately achieve the goals of the communications strategy. Our effective strategic planning and scientific publishing services are designed to develop and implement a strategic communications plan that will meet objectives and foster the educational mission.

Register with us today to learn more about how our Strategic Communications Planning and Medical Editorial Services are effective in ensuring the success of CME programs.

Medical Meeting and Exhibition Services
Medical Meeting Planning and Exhibition Services

Planning and executing medical meetings and exhibitions can present many challenges. Marketing, administration, communications, media and materials all require strict attention to detail, extensive planning experience, and thorough knowledge and understanding of the medical industry and its audiences

MediLearn offers comprehensive medical meeting planning and exhibition services. We have successfully orchestrated and implemented medical meetings and exhibitions for our clients in domestic and international settings and understand the challenges involved in communicating with medical professionals throughout the world.

Translation services, educational materials and speakers, travel planning, advertising and promotion - our medical meeting and exhibitions services offer a complex and complete approach to medical education that is customized to meet the unique needs of each client. We have the understanding and experience vital to successfully arrange and execute all aspects of domestic, international medical meetings and exhibitions with the enthusiasm and commitment to excellence necessary to produce educational medical events that are seamless, dynamic, and effectual.

Register with us today and learn how our Medical Exhibitions and Meeting Planning Services can ease the implementation of your next medical symposium.

Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning for Continuing Medical Education Organizations

Managers and administrators are so intent on immediate issues that they often lose sight of the ultimate objectives of the organization. Each manager focuses on a particular area of expertise and the broader interests may not always be in view. For any organization, including Continuing Medical Education organizations, business objectives are the key to success. Without a strategically developed plan of tasks and goals, key objectives will not be met and the educational mission will not be fulfilled.

That's why a professional review or preparation of a strategic medical communications plan is a virtual necessity. This is one of many factors that contribute to a successful business plan without which an organization is much more likely to fail. A sound plan should:

Serve as a framework for decisions or for securing support/approval

Provide a basis for more detailed planning

Explain the organization's purpose to others in order to inform, motivate & involve

Assist benchmarking & performance monitoring

Stimulate change and become building block for next plan

A strategic plan can provide the foundation and framework for a functional business plan. A strategic plan is not the same thing as an operational plan. The former should be visionary, conceptual and directional in contrast to an operational plan, which is likely to be shorter term, tactical, focused, implementable and measurable. As an example, compare the process of planning a vacation (where, when, duration, budget, who goes, how travel are all strategic issues) with the final preparations (tasks, deadlines, funding, weather, packing, transport and so on are all operational matters).

A satisfactory medical communications strategic plan must be realistic and attainable so as to allow managers to think strategically and act operationally.MediLearn has the expertise necessary to create a strategic medical communications plan that will support organization's business objectives and guide group to success.

Register today to learn more about how our Medical Strategic Planning Services can help your Continuing Medical Education organization accomplish your educational mission.

Communications Technologies
Using Communications Technologies in Medical Education Programs

We live in an exciting time. Advances in medical sciences emerge daily that allow physicians to improve the quality and length of life of their patients. Scientists are making discoveries that give us new insight into medicines and their applications. Even the methods in which we communicate are ever changing. No longer are we limited to textbooks and slide shows to teach and educate. A multitude of innovative tools and new communication technologies are now available that allow us to dispense information to a broader audience in ways that are more accurate and comprehensive than ever before.

MediLearn is excited about the changing array of communications technologies and is savvy in the use of these technologies for educational purposes. Combining electronic and print media allows dispensation of complex medical information on a broad scale. Through multidimensional tools, medical wisdom can be shared abstractly and sensorially, which enhances the educational experience and enables the adult student to absorb and process the material fully and precisely. The tools available today allow medical professionals to gain a more thorough and comprehensive knowledge of complex scientific material than ever before.

MediLearn has an extensive experience collaborating with medical professionals to define education and communication goals and identify the tools needed to achieve those goals. We recognize the value of traditional, time-tested methods of communication for educational purposes, while incorporating the latest technological advances.

Whether the parameters of Continuing Medical Education program include hosting an international medical conference or building an online academic credit course, MediLearn has the educational resources and experience necessary to successfully design and execute a CME program that effectively employs the latest medical communications technologies and provides an educational experience that is sophisticated, holistic and contemporary.

Register with us today and let us help you develop and implement a cutting edge Continuing Medical Education program that will successfully accomplish your goals and exceed all expectations.

Quality Improvement Initiatives
Quality Improvement Initiatives in Continuing Medical Education

In recent years, there have been exciting changes in the expectations of medical training and education. Federal research reports from medical insurance providers and general public opinion of the national health care system have revealed inadequacies in patient care and these findings have fueled a demand for change in the medical education system.

Organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Academy of Continuing Medical Education (AACME) have taken a stand and called on medical education providers to step up to the challenge. No longer is it sufficient for health care providers to be competent and knowledgeable in their area of expertise, but they also must be able to navigate complex information systems, run an efficient practice and be able to demonstrate that treatment plans result in improved patient care. For many practicing physicians, meeting today's standards can be overwhelming and it is within the scope of Continuing Medical Education that physicians expect to find the knowledge and tools needed to implement quality improvement initiatives.

For a Continuing Medical Education program to fulfill the needs of contemporary physicians, it must not only provide information that is evidence-based, but also educate the physician in ways to better treat the whole patient. Simulation and group activities develop communication, team management and interpersonal skills. Discussions on ethics and public health policy challenge core values and attitudes. Training on measurement tools, such as surveys, self-assessment and peer audits enable the valuation and tracking of post outcome measurements.

At MediLearn, we are committed to the development of Continuing Medical Education programs that align with the re-licensure process, meet evolving educational requirements and fulfill the needs of today's health care providers. We collaborate with organizations to improve and restructure existing Continuing Medical Education programs, or develop new programs to include fundamental, as well as innovative elements of quality improvement initiatives. We work with educators to modernize traditional teaching practices and incorporate progressive techniques and strategies proven effective for the adult learner. Also, we are sensitive to the stringent funding requirements of Continuing Medical Education programs and can research funding sources that will maintain the integrity of the program and overcome financial barriers to attendance.

Medical education is going through many changes, and MediLearn is excited to be part of this transformation. Continuing Medical Education programs are growing and evolving. Physicians and other health care providers desire these programs, not only for re-licensure but also to affect significant improvements in patient care. MediLearn is proud to collaborate on programs that facilitate and result in these changes.

Contact MediLearn today and let us help you develop a Continuing Medical Education program that supports quality improvement initiatives and meets the needs of today's health care provider.

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